Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The little things in life

I believe that God gives us children for a lot of reasons. Tonights reason: A childs ability to show you more love and importance than anything else in the world. What a great way for God to show us a special side of his love for us.

Who are you making feel loved and important in your life?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Starting Out-The journey

At the age of 30 (soon to be 31) you would think I would have learned to use my hands and feet by now. I only thought I understood their purpose.

This is my journey. My walk with Christ. Learning to use my hands and feet for the first time.

Was I surprised to learn that the 10 fingers and 10 toes that every mother counts when there little baby is first born were not suppose to be for our benefit. God designed me for his use. God's love is suppose to flow through me and the 10 fingers and 10 toes he gave me are made for his service.

Paul and I are on life changing, life fullfilling journey together. We are here to be the hands and feet of our savior. I pray that I can keep myself out of the way so that others may see him. I pray that when, I in my weak human self, mess it up that others may see that God's mercy not only extends to myself but can and will extend to them.

Here we go. Learning all over how to walk!